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once again i would like to point out, that saying was the best thing that came to mind.....i don't mean any disrespect to either india or our lovely pakistan. i'm simply helping springstepper realise that in the west, india/pakistan are one in the same. being able to make movies don't make india better. so we have nothing to prove to the world at large.
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and springstepper.....can we defy what the world thinks of us??? sorry 2 say, but with all due respect to BOTH india and pakistan...the best saying to describe them in the west...
'same shit, different pile'
only pakistan's the better of the two in my opinion!!!
Age: 125
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once again mr. ydakh and scotchtape are right.
u wanna talk abt backwards socities tho (since springstepper threw the first punch, as india always does, its only fair we retaliate)...a girl marrying a dog??? LOL. combine this with the outstanding article brought up by 'SHHH' and you can throw springstepper's theory/view on pakistan being restricive and regressive right out the window!!
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valid point, springstepper....probably your first one yet on this board.
i'll give u credit...u backed yourself up on this one. i guess i can't argue on this ONE issue. like i said tho...this is news to me...i had no idea reema and co. did this. and you know doing so, you're right...she and anyone else who sang that make belive song made an ass out of themselves...
but they were simply there as goodwill ambassadors. nothing more. they were/are big stars in pakistan, and didn't go to india to make a name for themselves or to make a buck. they went as a sign of peace, and came back looking like asses after having sung that song, if indeed it was sung with the lyrics mentioned.
to sum everything up on this one point i guess you're somewhat right. while you can add reema, sajaad ali and whoever else that other person was to a list of pakistani artists who crossed the boarder (for whatever reason) they did not and have not gone as far as adnan sami and asked for citizenship. therefore to say that they're 'wannabe' indians is wrong. they were simply attempting to get some positive press from all sides by going to india and singing. that does not show jealousy or a desire to relocate in india. it simply shows a gesture of goodwill that went terribly wrong. lol.
Age: 125
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quote:Originally posted by springstepper
ur actors come and sing indian songs on indian tv shows... all of them are so wanna be indians, it s not surprising at all. adnan sami is havin a great time in india and getting all the money and women he wants. the few best uve got are hopping the fence .
lol. oh man....springstepper....u consistantly bring up adnan sami. newsflash......pakistan has MANY more singers!! he doesn't represent our country alone!
our actors come and sing indian songs on indian tv shows???? this is news 2 me. who sang what, on what channel??? lol.
the few best we have are hopping the fence??? WHO, MAN??? lol. gimme some names already. and trust me all-star...we don't have a 'few' stars...we have MANY. india should know....they've copied most if not all of them.
Age: 125
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quote:Originally posted by springstepper
ur actors come and sing indian songs on indian tv shows... all of them are so wanna be indians, it s not surprising at all. adnan sami is havin a great time in india and getting all the money and women he wants. the few best uve got are hopping the fence .
lol. oh man....springstepper....u consistantly bring up adnan sami. newsflash......pakistan has MANY more singers!! he doesn't represent our country alone!
our actors come and sing indian songs on indian tv shows???? this is news 2 me. who sang what, on what channel??? lol.
the few best we have are hopping the fence??? WHO, MAN??? lol. gimme some names already. and trust me all-star...we don't have a 'few' stars...we have MANY. india should know....they've copied most if not all of them.
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in the end, we're watching our own conept/idea's right? lol. doesn't matter if it comes out under a bollywood umbrella or a lollywood one. the idea is mostly ours anyways.
Age: 125
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he sings at one wedding, and that defines the man's career???
u see thats my whole point springstepper. without taking anything away from india, a lot of what they put forth as being their own, is in fact NOT, espcially when it comes to the entertainment industry. no doubt they have much more resourses than pakistan. but if not for them 'borrowing' our work much of the time....they have nothing to present to the world at large, with these resources.
going back 2 nusrat singing at some guy's wedding, it does not make him indian. it doesn't mean he sold out. he was simply starting out, like all musicians do. if this guy's wedding or any other guy's wedding had been in africa, nusrat would have went to africa. just cause he crossed the boarder doesn't mean he was selling out or abandoning pakistan. he was a pakistani through and through, and so are all these other artists you claim cross the boarder.
as for him spreading islam....the same nusrat 2-3 years after that wedding...had muslims, sikhs, christains, jews, and even our good hindu friends alike...dancing in a trance to the message(s) of his God, Allah, and his religon, Islam. one wedding doesn't and DIDN'T define his career.
Age: 125
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he sings at one wedding, and that defines the man's career???
u see thats my whole point springstepper. without taking anything away from india, a lot of what they put forth as being their own, is in fact NOT, espcially when it comes to the entertainment industry. no doubt they have much more resourses than pakistan. but if not for them 'borrowing' our work much of the time....they have nothing to present to the world at large, with these resources.
going back 2 nusrat singing at some guy's wedding, it does not make him indian. it doesn't mean he sold out. he was simply starting out, like all musicians do. if this guy's wedding or any other guy's wedding had been in africa, nusrat would have went to africa. just cause he crossed the boarder doesn't mean he was selling out or abandoning pakistan. he was a pakistani through and through, and so are all these other artists you claim cross the boarder.
as for him spreading islam....the same nusrat 2-3 years after that wedding...had muslims, sikhs, christains, jews, and even our good hindu friends alike...dancing in a trance to the message(s) of his God, Allah, and his religon, Islam. one wedding doesn't and DIDN'T define his career.
Age: 125
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there u go again springstepper! other than adnan sami, whose leaving pakistan to make a big name???? nusrat was when he went to india, was ALREADY a household name, not only in india/pakistan, but the entire asiatic subcontinent!!! he didn't go to make a living in india. the man was associated with hollywood for God's sake, why would he want to make a living in INDIA??????? he only made 2-3 albums and left. end of story.
and might be right abt adnan sami. but you keep saying all these pakistani stars are leaving pakistan....WHO???? lol.
Age: 125
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there u go again springstepper! other than adnan sami, whose leaving pakistan to make a big name???? nusrat was when he went to india, was ALREADY a household name, not only in india/pakistan, but the entire asiatic subcontinent!!! he didn't go to make a living in india. the man was associated with hollywood for God's sake, why would he want to make a living in INDIA??????? he only made 2-3 albums and left. end of story.
and might be right abt adnan sami. but you keep saying all these pakistani stars are leaving pakistan....WHO???? lol.
Age: 125
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enough of this already! other than adnan sami, whose crossing the boarder??? u keep talkin' abt pakistani's leaving for greener pastures???? other than adnan sami, whose going where??? and don;t say nusrat, cause he did't go as far as adnan sami and apply for citizenship. he made his music, spread his message on ISLAM, and bolted.
Age: 125
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you just proved my point springstepper!!
over half of the things, which make bollywood and india so much better than pakistan for you and others, actually come from pakistan!!!!!
the songs (be it from an album or in the form of a music video) which you tapp your feet to and snap your fingers to, are usually pakistani songs! adnan sami can go wherever he pleases. he'll ALWAYS be a pakistani. nusrat could have lived in india too (which he DIDN'T), but he always would have been a pakistani! ANYONE can go from pakistan to india to make it big (altho outside of these two (and nusrat is a question mark), i can't think of any other pakistani singer who has crossed the boarder), but that won't change the fact that they are originally PAKISTANI!!! their ideas are pakistani, their talent is pakistani!!
so if india feels deprived and cannot produce SUPERSTARS themselves, and it prides itself in using pakistani talent for whatever reason....fine by me! cause in the end....they're all PAKISTANI, right!! so one way or another...pakistan has, and IS in fact making strides.
Age: 125
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you've crossed a line springstepper.
i'll ingore the b-s you spewed out after the comment on nusrat. in regards to him tho, i'll have you know, he DID NOT SPEND MORE TIME IN INDIA THAN IN PAKISTAN.....he made 2-3 albums there, and they only helped elevate his ALREADY HUGE POPULARITY, which he got from his NATIVE PAKISTAN. nusrat stopped in the middle of a concert when some retard held up an indian flag. so if you're trying to make us think he and other pakistani artists sold're wrong.
for every 1 song he gave to india, he gave 10 back to PAKISTAN. money was a bonus for a guy like him.....he played in india, the U.S. and any other country for that matter for one reason and one reason ONLY........TO SPREAD ISLAM AND EVERYTHING IN REAGRDS TO IT. so while he may have crossed over here and there, it was not for money or women and ESPCIALLY not for fame. he already had all of that. he crossed over to help that sorry nation and spread the word of ISLAM. have no idea what you're talking abt....ESECIALLY when it comes to nusrat.
Age: 125
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LOL. you don't get it do you springstepper???!!!!!!
the movies which are showcased in those high tech indian cinemas you speak of, and the stories/music in them which also draw all these people from the world over - ARE IN FACT PAKISTANI CONCPETS/IDEAS (or atleast 95%...the other 5% is hollywood's ideas)!!!!!!
i'm not sure if you noticed, but the post above lists names of pakistani/lollywood movies which india/bollywood have copied. and these are only a few. there are MANY MANY more. nobody in this ENTIRE forum has (seriously) said that lollywood is better or that we have money to compete with bollywood or hollywood. we're simply stating that slowly but surely, we're getting there. and even if we never do end up with the resources that india possesses.....we'll STILL be satisfied, knowing that 95% of the movies they create are OUR IDEAS!! and the music....don't even get me started. nowadays its hard to find an indian movie without atleast one pakistani copy.
so try my friend....try hard to understand that the ideas which make bollywood so facinating for you and many others, are pakistani ideas most of the time.
bollywood......on behalf of pakuistan and its talented artists....YOU'RE WELCOME.
Age: 125
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you've crossed a line springstepper.
i'll ingore the b-s you spewed out after the comment on nusrat. in regards to him tho, i'll have you know, he DID NOT SPEND MORE TIME IN INDIA THAN IN PAKISTAN.....he made 2-3 albums there, and they only helped elevate his ALREADY HUGE POPULARITY, which he got from his NATIVE PAKISTAN. nusrat stopped in the middle of a concert when some retard held up an indian flag. so if you're trying to make us think he and other pakistani artists sold're wrong.
for every 1 song he gave to india, he gave 10 back to PAKISTAN. money was a bonus for a guy like him.....he played in india, the U.S. and any other country for that matter for one reason and one reason ONLY........TO SPREAD ISLAM AND EVERYTHING IN REAGRDS TO IT. so while he may have crossed over here and there, it was not for money or women and ESPCIALLY not for fame. he already had all of that. he crossed over to help that sorry nation and spread the word of ISLAM. have no idea what you're talking abt....ESECIALLY when it comes to nusrat.
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remember to give saima my salaam if u see her. LOL. and at the same time u can ask her what exact date larki punjaban is coming out on! lol.
i honestly think they might release both laaj and larki punjaban on the same day (aug 29th). this way there will be good healthy competition! who knows tho....all i know is, its already the 22nd, and NO move has come out yet, ANYWHERE. lol. whats the hold up??
tere pray mein was okay. even the print was decent. it was not amazing, but it was not too bad either. the story is simple...indian girl, pakistani guy....the girl comes to pakistan with her family and gets the royal treatment from everyone! she falls in love with the guy (shaan)whose house she is staying at. they eventually leave and they are serperated, until the guy decides to go to india to re-unite with the girl! only difference is....he does not get the same treatment from indian army/people. they frame him for being a spy and a battle follows. in the end, the girl leaves india and her religion for pakistan and Islam!!!! good movie!
and you're right abt the shops and not having any pakistani new movie tapes. i can't understand why it is so hard to get new film music in stores which are overseas??? if artists' albums can be released, why not lollywood music?!
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i'm not sure what the movie's name is, but the scene is a song...and shaan is smoking when resham walks up 2 him - hugs him - and he blows smoke right into her mouth. it was dirty. lol.
as 4 nirma....she simply sucks in my opinion. lol. she is good for NOTHING! i'm sorry if you might like her, other than her dancing, but i don't see her as being useful in any movie. lol. and reema....i think she can still act. if the right role comes around, i think she can do an excellent job. and she'll be an amazing director too! if shaan can act/direct, so can reema, right?!
sorry u're not going to any concert! but the super music masti one should be good too....humaira arshad is there right?!! u should go there!! it might not be abrar but its still a pakistani concert right!?!!! and as for the saima u think they'll show it on tv, and if so...when???!!
who knows....u might meet some of the stars in that store you were talking abt?!?! kee your eyes opened! many pakistani stars in in london these days!
as for tere pyar is indeed out in pakistan. i have the vcd for it. so if u order it, it should be there! its too bad eh?? we cannot find ANY pakistani movie music, anywhere on the web in mp3 format. what a shame....
Age: 125
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i'm not sure what the movie's name is, but the scene is a song...and shaan is smoking when resham walks up 2 him - hugs him - and he blows smoke right into her mouth. it was dirty. lol.
as 4 nirma....she simply sucks in my opinion. lol. she is good for NOTHING! i'm sorry if you might like her, other than her dancing, but i don't see her as being useful in any movie. lol. and reema....i think she can still act. if the right role comes around, i think she can do an excellent job. and she'll be an amazing director too! if shaan can act/direct, so can reema, right?!
sorry u're not going to any concert! but the super music masti one should be good too....humaira arshad is there right?!! u should go there!! it might not be abrar but its still a pakistani concert right!?!!! and as for the saima u think they'll show it on tv, and if so...when???!!
who knows....u might meet some of the stars in that store you were talking abt?!?! kee your eyes opened! many pakistani stars in in london these days!
as for tere pyar is indeed out in pakistan. i have the vcd for it. so if u order it, it should be there! its too bad eh?? we cannot find ANY pakistani movie music, anywhere on the web in mp3 format. what a shame....
Age: 125
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wow, sounds pretty good. i hope the movie does good.
how abt resham? what do u think abt her? everyone compliments zara on her decision to be very selective when choosing movies. i think resham knows how to select properly as well. she is coming in big profile movies like laaj, pehla pehla pyar, and more. i saw her in the movie 'janat ki talash' in which she was outstanding! if she would just stop being so dirty in some movies (ex: there's a scene in another movie where shaan blows cigarette smoke in her mouth...she does risky scenes along these lines in certain films), she would definately be top notch! she's a decent actress in my opinion. what do u think?
Age: 125
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wow, sounds pretty good. i hope the movie does good.
how abt resham? what do u think abt her? everyone compliments zara on her decision to be very selective when choosing movies. i think resham knows how to select properly as well. she is coming in big profile movies like laaj, pehla pehla pyar, and more. i saw her in the movie 'janat ki talash' in which she was outstanding! if she would just stop being so dirty in some movies (ex: there's a scene in another movie where shaan blows cigarette smoke in her mouth...she does risky scenes along these lines in certain films), she would definately be top notch! she's a decent actress in my opinion. what do u think?